World No Tobacco Day 2024

31 May 2024

Hari Tanpa Tembakau Sedunia 2024

31 Mei 2024

MHC - Malaysia Needs Clear Laws on Vaping Before Any Taxation

4 Apr 2023

MHC - Malaysia Perlu Undang-Undang Vape Sebelum Mengenakan Cukai

4 Apr 2023

MHC - Budget 2024 Must be More Strategic for Malaysia’s Health

6 Mar 2023

MHC - Belanjawan 2024 Mesti Lebih Strategik untuk Kesihatan Malaysia

6 Mar 2023

MHC - Long-Term Implementation of the Health White Paper

26 Aug 2022

MHC - Pelaksanaan Jangka Panjang Kertas Putih Kesihatan

26 Aug 2022

Malaysia needs Tobacco Free Generations

19 Aug 2022

Malaysia Memerlukan Generasi Bebas Tembakau

19 Aug 2022


19 Aug 2022

மலேசியாவிே் புகையிகே இே்ோத தகேமுகைைள் அவசியம்

19 Aug 2022

MHC - Full Steam Ahead for the Generational End Game

23 July 2022

MHC - Laksanakan Strategi Generasi Penamat Rokok

23 July 2022

MHC - White Paper for an Equitable and Sustainable Malaysian Healthcare System

12 July 2022

MHC - Ensure Safe Working Conditions for All Health Professionals

8 May 2022

MHC - Tread Cautiously with the Loosening of Restrictions

1 May 2022

MHC - Waspada Dalam Melonggarkan Sekatan

1 May 2022

MHC - We Need a Trustworthy Owner for MySejahtera

31 March 2022

MHC - Kita Memerlukan Pemilik yang Amanah untuk MySejahtera

31 March 2022

MHC - Re-evaluate 'Return To Work' Criteria For Healthcare Professionals with COVID

29 March 2022

MHC - Rombak Kriteria Kembali Bekerja Untuk Petugas Kesihatan Disahkan COVID

29 March 2022

MHC: We must improve maternal, sexual, and reproductive health rights in Malaysia

8 Mar 2022

MHC: Hak Kesihatan Keibuan, Seksual dan Reproduktif Wanita di Malaysia mesti Dipertingkatkan

8 Mar 2022

MHC: Reinforce Malaysia’s Plan Against Omicron

10 Feb 2022

MHC: Our Endemic COVID-19 Strategy must include a Variant Strategy

15 Dec 2021

MHC: Strategi COVID-19 Mesti Melibatkan Strategi Varian

15 Dec 2021

MHC: Ensure Comprehensive Healthcare Allocations in Budget 2022

20 Oct 2021

MHC: A Strong Start by the Health Minister and More Is Needed

9 Sep 2021

MHC: Review the Relaxed Restrictions for Fully-Vaccinated Persons

10 Aug 2021

MHC: Science and Public Health Must be Apolitical

1 Aug 2021

MHC: Do Not Harass or Intimidate Our Health Professionals

28 July 2021

MHC: In Solidarity with Healthcare Workers Under Investigation

18 July 2021

MHC: Better Pandemic Strategies Needed After Re-organisation

16 July 2021

MHC: Solve The Contract Situation for Junior Doctors and Health Professionals

29 June 2021

MHC: Ivermectin Must Follow Malaysia's Standard Approval Process

26 June 2021

MHC: Spend Public Funds Based On Science and Good Judgement

23 June 2021

MHC: Provide More Detail for the Recovery Plan

19 June 2021

MHC: No COVID-19 Patient Should Be Brought in Dead

9 June 2021

MHC: Total Lockdown Must Be Supported By Other Measures

29 May 2021

MHC - The Vaccination Plan Needs Everyone

11 Mar 2021

MHC - Vaccines for All

15 Feb 2021

MHC - No Double Standards for SOPs

9 Feb 2021

MHC - Continuously Improve the System, not Find Fault

4 Feb 2021

MHC - Four Pandemic Lessons for 2021

30 December 2020

The Health Budget 2021 is Not Enough

9 November 2020

Budget 2021: Time to Over-Invest in Health

2 November 2020

Prohibit Dubious Health Practices & Pseudoscience

28 October 2020

Mobilise for Sabah, Now

15 October 2020

MHC Statement - Protect and Recognise Malaysia’s Health Professionals

14 Sept 2020

World Suicide Prevention Day (10 Sept 2020): Decriminalise Suicide and Destigmatise Mental Health

10 Sept 2020

MHC - Focus on Consistent Enforcement of MCO

25 August 2020


8 Aug 2020

Persatuan Pakar Perubatan Kesihatan Awam Malaysia, 26 NGO bantah hisap vape, rokok di Parlimen

8 Aug 2020

Make face masks free for B40 group, says Thoracic Society

30 Jul 2020

Mandatory Use of Face Masks in Public

29th July 2020

Remain Vigilant to Avoid Second Wave and Another Lockdown

22nd July 2020

MHC - Patient Safety is Our Priority

3rd July 2020

Stay Vigilant during Recovery MCO

10th June 2020

Joint Statement - Public Health Policies must be Inclusive and Durable

1st June 2020

Global Solutions for Global Access for Covid–19 Diagnostics, Treatments & Vaccines: Include Malaysia and Other Middle-Income Countries in All Licensing Agreements

19th May 2020

Frequently Asked Questions: Global Solutions for Global Access for Covid-19 Diagnostics, Treatments & Vaccines

19th May 2020

Press Coverage on Use of Face Masks

11 May 2020

Kenyataan Media Mengenai Penggunaan Topeng Muka Semasa Pandemik COVID-19

11 May 2020

MTS Press Statement on Use of Face masks

11 May 2020

MHC Statement - Lead Malaysia with Consistent Public Health Policies

9 May 2020

MHC Statement - Planning for a Phased Restart

4 May 2020

MHC Statement - Non-Citizen Health is Public Health

29 April 2020

MHC Statement - Strategies for the Post-MCO Period

23 April 2020

Celebrating Ramadan During MCO

20 April 2020

MHC - All Ministries Must Decide Based on Health Expertise

16 April 2020

MHC - Additional Measures during MCO Phase 3

14 April 2020

Strengthening Health Expertise in Government Decisions

2 April 2020

Joint Press Statement by Senior Citizens’ Non-Governmental Organizations and Affiliated Medical Societies on the Plight of Older Malaysians during the CoVID-19 Pandemic

22 March 2020

A More Coherent Government Response

20th March 2020

Malaysia Must Unite — Covid-19 Will Not Respect Ethnic, Religious Or Political Boundaries

6 March 2020

United Against Smoking In Malaysia

14 January 2020

Respiratory Medical Group Wants E-Cigarettes Banned In Malaysia

27 Feb 2020

Proposing a Non-Citizens Health Act for Malaysia

11 Jan 2020

Air pollution increases risk of death from cardiovascular disease, even at levels below the current US environmental standard

11 July 2019

World No Tobacco Day 2019

31 May 2019

World Asthma Day

7 May 2019

World TB Day

24 March 2019

World COPD Day

21 November 2018

World Pneumonia Day

12 November 2018

World Lung Day

25 September 2018

Open letter re gazetting alfresco restaurants as no-smoking zones

13 September 2018

World No Tobacco Day

31 May 2018

World Asthma Day

1 May 2018

World AIDS Day

1 December 2017

World COPD Day

15 November 2017

World Pneumonia Day

12 November 2017

Forum of International Respiratory Societies continues grassroots World Lung Cancer efforts

Forum of International Respiratory Societies Calls for Global Effort on World Pneumonia Day

Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) issues five key points, critical to addressing tuberculosis epidemic

Global Response to Fight AIDS Urgently Needed this World AIDS Day

Statement from FIRS for World TB Day
Cape Town, Glenview, Lausanne, Montevideo, New York, Paris, Tokyo, March 24, 2016 – In support of World TB Day, 24 March, the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) calls for united efforts to mobilise the financial and human resources to end tuberculosis (TB).

World COPD Day
18 November, 2015

An open letter to the Members of Parliament of Malaysia
13 November 2015

Sales Of Electronic Cigarettes
25 August 2015

World No Tobacco Day
31 May 2015

World Asthma Day
5 May 2015

Countries Unite for World Lung Cancer Day 2015