Overview of the MTS Spirometry Education Programme
Lung Function Tests (LFT) are vital tests used by the Respiratory Speciality for diagnostic and monitoring purposes. They include Peak Expiratory Flowmetry, Spirometry, Plethysmography, Lung Diffusion capacity study, 6 minute walk test and Cardio-Pulmonary Exercise Test.
Malaysian Thoracic Society (MTS) has taken the lead in providing a standard training programme for health care providers in Malaysia. The MTS Basic Lung Function Tests Certification programme aims is to provide formal and standardised training following international standards.
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Malaysian Thoracic Society Education website
This website was launched in January 2020. Registered Medical Practitioners who register on the website will be awarded 1 CPD point per module upon completion. The CPD points will be accredited directly into their Malaysian Medical Association CPD mobile application since the MTS Education website is linked to the MMA CPD Portal via API (Application Programming Interface).
In order to view the modules, doctors can register on the MTS Education website at:
The following modules are available on the website.